Whereabouts Requirements

As athletes you have an important responsibility in protecting the integrity of your sport. Part of that obligation means that you will need to provide your whereabouts details if you are a member of the World Athletics Registered Testing Pool.

Providing accurate and up-to-date whereabouts is about protecting your right to clean sport. Whereabouts information gives the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) the ability to locate athletes with no notice, which is vital for testing athletes who choose to cheat themselves by doping.

Please note, that the Athletics Integrity Unit will be taking a more stringent approach to Whereabouts requirements in 2021. You must read this information carefully as it spells out the requirements for 2021.

You are directly responsible for constantly updating or completing your whereabouts information.


  1. You must provide us an email address where correspondence may be sent to you and a telephone number where you can be contacted. Any notice to that email address will be deemed to have been received by you.
  2. You must Indicate for each day of the quarter, the full address of the location where you will be staying overnight (home, training camp, hotel, partner’s house…). 
  3. You are also required to  provide the full address of each location where you have your regular activities such as training, work, studies… as well as the time-frame for each activity. It is not sufficient to tell us that you are training every afternoon on Mondays and Thursdays. You must indicate your training hours and the address of your training place. (e.g.: “I train at the Olympic Stadium, 24 Pacific Boulevard in Los Angeles every Monday, Thursday and week-ends between 15:00 and 18:00. The rest of the time I work at...located...from 08:00 am to 17:00).
  4. You must also provide us with your detailed competition schedule for the quarter including the name and address of each location where you are scheduled to compete and the dates you are intending to compete at such locations. When you travel to a competition, you must as soon as possible inform us of your detailed competition schedule, including your travel day, competition days and full details of any travel plans (flights, arrivals, etc.), temporary accommodation (e.g. event hotel), training location and any activity around the event (e.g. training, media commitments). Please do not assume we know where you compete and what you do around competitions. As a professional athlete, you must be available for testing at any time and any place including around competitions.
  5. Finally, you must identify for each day of the quarter a 60-minute time slot (between 05:00 and 23:00 hours) and a location attached to that slot where you must be available for testing.

World Athletics strongly suggests that you identify a 60-minute time slot at a regular location that is unlikely to change and is easily accessible. You may find it easier to choose your home address and an hour where you are most likely to be available regularly, for example early in the morning before going for training or in the evening, after your last training session.

Whereabouts must be submitted through the online Anti-Doping Administration Management System (ADAMS)


Whereabouts must be submitted through the online system ADAMS for which you should have received a login and password already. ADAMS allows you to update your whereabouts information at any time online, via a computer or a mobile phone app. We strongly advise you to take a look at the WADA's whereabouts tutorial should you require assistance in filling in your whereabouts.

ADAMS Tutorial

Athlete Central App Tutorial

All About Whereabouts – Leaflet

Quick tips to help you create good whereabouts habits


You are directly responsible for constantly updating whereabouts information. Should your initial 60-minute time slot, regular activity, competition,  training schedule or location change, you must inform us as soon as possible. 

This will avoid unnecessary resources being spent for a failed test and a Whereabouts Failure being recorded against you. Unjustified late changes will be pursued as Whereabouts Failures and you will be asked to provide proof that the change was made as soon as possible.

In case of any doubts that you may have, you can email us at whereabouts@athleticsintegrity.org


You are required to provide sufficient detail in your whereabouts filings to enable us to locate you for testing. This is a strict requirement and if the information provided is inaccurate or in insufficient detail (whether in relation to the routine activities or the 60-minute time slot) you may receive a Whereabouts Failure. The more information you give, the easier it is for our doping control officers to find you for a doping control. Try to be in their shoes and always ask yourself whether the information you have provided is sufficient to enable us to locate you, wherever you are. If basic address information is not sufficient, you may use explanatory notes, photos, videos, GPS coordinates or google maps to help us locate you.


World Athletics Advisory Note

Use of personal information (anti-doping and integrity programmes)

World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules

Ensure you know & understand the rules to avoid violations.