Global List of Ineligible Persons

The Athletics Integrity Unit has jurisdiction over International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Persons, World Athletics Officials and Member Federation Officials (limited to their dealings with World Athletics). On this page we publish a consolidated list of all persons serving a period of ineligibility in Athletics. This includes persons serving a period of ineligibility as a result of national level cases and decisions.

Latest sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations


Complete list of sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations*


*The list of currently suspended persons was last updated on 1 March 2025. Please note that it is intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective.

Show all Doping Non-Doping
Name Date of Birth Nationality Role Sex Discipline 1 Discipline 2 Infraction Date Sanction Ineligibile Until Disqualification Period Infraction Type ADRV Rules ADRV Notes Description
. Vandana 15/09/1999 IND Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 25/02/2024 3 years ineligibility 09/04/2027 Since 25.02.24 Doping Presence
19-Norandrosterone & erythropoietin (EPO) In competiton test, at Khelo India Univeristy Games 2023, IND
A.B, Arun 02/11/1998 IND Athlete M Triple Jump Jumps 02/11/2023 4 years ineligibility 13/12/2027 Since 02.11.23 Doping Presence
mephentermine In competiton test, at 37th National Games, Goa, IND
AAGAB, Mohamed 23/12/1993 MAR Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 07/05/2023 3 years ineligibility 11/09/2026 Since 07.05.23 Doping Presence
EPO In competiton test, at BMO Vancouver Half Marathon, Vancouver, CAN
ABRAMYAN, Benik 31/07/1985 GEO Athlete M Throws 31/07/2021 7 years ineligibility 02/08/2028 Since 31.07.21 Doping Presence
Metandienone, Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, Tamoxifen Out-of-competition test in, JPN
ACHOL, Emmaculate Anyango 02/04/2000 KEN Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 03/02/2024 6 years ineligibility 25/09/2030 Since 03.02.24 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS (5αAdiol, 5βAdiol) & EPO in competiton test, at Sirikwa Classic Cross Country Tour – Gold, Lobo Village, Eldoret - XC 10.0km, KEN
AIT HSINE, Abdellatif 20/08/1985 MAR Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 30/12/2023 4 years ineligibility 23/01/2028 Since 30.12.23 Doping Presence
meldonium In competiton test, at Cross Country Championship, Isa town, BRN
AJAYI, Yinka 11/08/1997 NGR Athlete F Sprints (400m or less) 23/12/2021 4 years ineligibility 24/01/2026 Since 23.12.21 Doping Presence
Metenolone Out-of-competition test, in Iowa, USA
AJAYI, Yinka 11/08/1997 NGR Athlete F Sprints (400m or less) 23/12/2021 4 years ineligibility and 4 years added to the original sanction 25/01/2030 Since 23.12.21 Doping Presence
Metenolone & Tampering Out-of-competition test, in Iowa, USA
AJIMON SHINY, Sandra 21/04/2002 IND Athlete F Sprints (400m or less) 28/12/2023 4 years ineligibility 30/01/2028 Since 28.12.23 Doping Presence
oxandrolone Out-of-competition test, in IND
AKHTAR, Naeem 02/02/1997 PAK Athlete M Sprints (400m or less) 26/05/2023 3 years ineligibility 19/07/2026 Since 26.05.23 Doping Presence
Metandienone In competiton test, in PAK
AKIMENKO, Mikhail 06/12/1995 RUS Athlete M High Jump Jumps 29/10/2023 1 year ineligibility 24/04/2025 Since 29.10.23 Doping Whereabouts Failures 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months
AKULINUSHKINA, Tatyana 06/04/1994 RUS Athlete F Race Walk 15/02/2013 Only Disqualification of results -- From 11.05.13-19.02.15 Doping Use (LIMS evidence) (LIMS evidence)
AL FAILAKAWI, Rasheed Eisa 05/08/1985 KUW Athlete M Hammer Throws 21/11/2023 6 years ineligibility 18/01/2029 Since 19.01.23 Doping Presence
drostanolone, oxandrolone, clenbuterol, SARMS S4 (andarine), SARMS LGD-4033 (ligandrol), SARMS RAD140, SARMS enobosarm (ostarine), letrozole, boldenone Out-of-competition test in, KUW
AL GARNI, Mohamad 02/07/1992 QAT Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 04/10/2023 8 years ineligibility 2nd ADRV 08/09/2032 Since 04.10.23 Doping Use Use Use
AL MARASHDA, Mubarak 12/07/1987 UAE Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 30/12/2023 3 years ineligibility 22/02/2027 Since 30.12.23 Doping Presence
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA) In competiton test, at Elite Running Cup Championship 2023, UAE
AL SULAITI, Mubarak 13/12/1987 BRN Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 11/02/2203 4 years ineligibility 05/03/2027 Since 11.02.23 Doping Presence
Stanozolol In competiton test, at Athletics National Championships, BRN
AL-AMRANI, Bader Ali 29/09/1997 KSA Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 18/05/2023 3 years ineligibility 10/11/2026 Since 18.05.23 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO) In competiton test, at Meeting National à thème de Toulouse, Salle couverte Daniel Faucher, Toulouse, FRA
AL-ATEYAH, Jaber 01/03/2004 KUW Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 01/07/2023 2 years ineligibility 10/12/2025 Since 01.07.23 Doping Whereabouts Failures 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months
AL-BULOOSHI, Abdullah Bader Mohammad 09/03/2004 KUW Athlete M Jumps 01/04/2024 3 years ineligibility 27/05/2027 Since 01.04.24 Doping Presence
SARMS RAD140, SARMS LGD-4033 (ligandrol),ibutamoren,tamoxifen In competiton test, in KUW
AL-KHAZAALI, Falah 18/10/2004 IRQ Athlete M Sprints (400m or less) 17/03/2022 3 years ineligibility 28/05/2025 Since 17.03.22 Doping Presence
Letrozole, Tamoxifen, Metandienone,19-norandrosterone In competition test, Iraqi Ch., Baghdad, IRQ
ALAÏS, Alexie 09/10/1994 FRA Athlete F Javelin Throws 26/02/2023 18 months ineligibility 25/07/2025 Since 26.02.23 Doping Presence
sibutramine In competiton test, at French Winter Throwing Championships, Stade d'Honneur Marcel Roustan, Salon-de-Provence, FRA
ALAJMI, Abdulaziz 11/03/1990 KUW Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 22/11/2022 4 years ineligibility 12/02/2027 Since 22.11.22 Doping Presence
Exogeneous Steroids after IRMS (Androsterone, Etiocholanolone, Testosterone, 5αAdiol) Out-of-competition test in KUW
ALAZMI, Hadi Anwar 01/01/2003 KUW Athlete M Combined Events 12/01/2024 2 years ineligibility 14/04/2026 Since 12.01.24 Doping Whereabouts Failures 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months
ALBERTI, Andrea 09/02/1972 ITA Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 12/06/2024 3 years ineligibility 10/07/2027 Since 12.06.24 Doping Presence
Exogeneous Steroids after IRMS (Etiocholanolone Androsterone Testosterone, 5aAdiol and 5bAdiol) In competiton test, at Castel Fiorentino, ITA
ALGHAFLI, Mouza 19/11/1989 UAE Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 28/04/2023 3 years ineligibility 04/07/2026 Since 28.04.23 Doping Presence
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA) In competiton test, at 2023 West Asian Athletics Championships, Doha, QAT
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