Registered Testing Pool (RTP)

Athletes at the highest level of their sport may be selected for what is known as Registered  Testing Pool (RTP) . You can search for athletes currently included in the World Athletics RTP in the table below, or download the full list here:


*Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that the searchable database or downloadable files available on-line exactly reproduce the World Athletics Testing Pool List, it is therefore intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective. Please contact for more information.

Athlete Discipline Secondary Discipline World Athletics ID Gender Nationality Date of Birth
Megan TAPPER 100m Hurdles Sprints (400m or less) 14413569 F JAM 1994-03-18
Darya AZAROVA 3000m SC Long Distance (3000m+) 15043625 F RUS 2007-02-26
Natoya GOULE 800m Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 14285696 F JAM 1991-03-30
Christopher MORALES-WILLIAMS 400m Sprints (400m or less) 14876627 F CAN 2004-08-05
Habitam ALEMU 800m Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 14730994 F ETH 1997-07-09
Jessika GBAI 200m Sprints (400m or less) 14823620 F CIV 1998-12-29
Enatnesh Alamrew TIRUSEW Half Marathon Long Distance (3000m+) 14648206 F ETH 1995-01-01
Sara FANTINI Hammer Throws 14593885 F ITA 1997-09-16
Jessica HULL 1500m Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 14464506 F AUS 1996-10-22
Lemlem HAILU 5000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14806061 F ETH 2001-05-25
Krista TERVO Hammer Throws 14592895 F FIN 1997-11-15
Izabela DA SILVA Discus Throws 14460894 F BRA 1995-08-02
Gudaf TSEGAY 5000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14595214 F ETH 1997-01-23
Marike STEINACKER Discus Throws 14373479 F GER 1992-04-03
Gladys CHEPKURUI Half Marathon Long Distance (3000m+) 14530653 F KEN 1994-08-17
Savannah SUTHERLAND 400m Hurdles Sprints (400m or less) 14771436 F CAN 2003-08-07
Megan KEITH 10000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14918707 F GBR 2002-04-23
Isobel Batt-Doyle 10000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14519260 F AUS 1995-09-14
Joan Chelimo MELLY Marathon Long Distance (3000m+) 14426302 F ROU 1990-11-10
Ivana ŠPANOVIĆ Long Jump Jumps 14300421 F SRB 1990-05-10
Shelby Houlihan 1500m Long Distance (3000m+) 14368938 F USA 1993-02-08
Polina KNOROZ Pole Vault Jumps 14623073 F RUS 1999-07-20
Hong LIU 20km Walk Long Distance (3000m+) 14265808 F CHN 1987-05-12
Tsigie GEBRESELAMA 10000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14848732 F ETH 2000-09-30
Medina EISA 5000m Long Distance (3000m+) 14985841 F ETH 2005-01-03
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RTP - useful information

Learn more about out-of-competition testing, the process and what to expect and do below.

  • What is the RTP

    Find out more about the Registered Testing Pool for athletics.

  • Notice of Removal from International Registered Testing Pool

    Use this form to request your removal from the World Athletics International Registered Testing Pool.
