Registered Testing Pool (RTP)
Athletes at the highest level of their sport may be selected for what is known as Registered Testing Pool (RTP) . You can search for athletes currently included in the World Athletics RTP in the table below, or download the full list here:
*Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that the searchable database or downloadable files available on-line exactly reproduce the World Athletics Testing Pool List, it is therefore intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective. Please contact for more information.
Athlete | Discipline | Secondary Discipline | World Athletics ID | Gender | Nationality | Date of Birth |
Shiann SALMON | 400m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 14574022 | F | JAM | 1999-03-31 |
Safina SADULLAYEVA | High Jump | Jumps | 14672228 | F | UZB | 1998-03-04 |
Elle ST. PIERRE | 1500m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14627694 | F | USA | 1995-02-20 |
Stella CHESANG | 10000m | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14464203 | F | UGA | 1996-12-01 |
Peres JEPCHIRCHIR | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14593938 | F | KEN | 1993-09-27 |
Maddison-Lee WESCHE | Shot Put | Throws | 14610254 | F | NZL | 1999-06-13 |
Joy CHEPTOYEK | 10000m | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14818058 | F | UGA | 2002-05-15 |
Thea LAFOND | Triple Jump | Jumps | 14416826 | F | COD | 1994-04-05 |
Jemima MONTAG | 20km Walk | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14457807 | F | AUS | 1998-02-15 |
Kseniya DRUZHININA | 400m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 15073246 | F | RUS | 2007-01-19 |
Diribe WELTEJI | 1500m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14848719 | F | ETH | 2002-05-13 |
DeAnna PRICE | Hammer | Throws | 14491584 | F | USA | 1993-06-08 |
Freweyni GEBREEZIBEHER | 1500m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14836656 | F | ETH | 2001-02-12 |
Shamier LITTLE | 400m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 14443767 | F | USA | 1995-03-20 |
Rogail JOSEPH | 400m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 14744999 | F | RSA | 2000-04-22 |
Jiayu YANG | 20km Walk | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14521585 | F | CHN | 1996-02-18 |
Betsy SAINA | Half Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14363050 | F | USA | 1988-06-30 |
Bianca Florentina GHELBER | Hammer | Throws | 14295835 | F | ROU | 1990-06-01 |
Bin FENG | Discus | Throws | 14430151 | F | CHN | 1994-04-03 |
Shuko Genemo | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14477330 | F | ETH | 1995-09-13 |
Susan Lokayo EJORE | 1500m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14700633 | F | KEN | 1995-11-09 |
Desi Jisa MOKONIN | Half Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14646798 | F | BRN | 1997-07-12 |
Senbere TEFERI | Half Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14477329 | F | ETH | 1995-05-03 |
Sada WILLIAMS | 400m | Sprints (400m or less) | 14592846 | F | BAR | 1997-12-01 |
Nadine VISSER | 100m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 14451249 | F | NED | 1995-02-09 |
RTP - useful information
Learn more about out-of-competition testing, the process and what to expect and do below.