Registered Testing Pool (RTP)
Athletes at the highest level of their sport may be selected for what is known as Registered Testing Pool (RTP) . You can search for athletes currently included in the World Athletics RTP in the table below, or download the full list here:
*Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that the searchable database or downloadable files available on-line exactly reproduce the World Athletics Testing Pool List, it is therefore intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective. Please contact for more information.
Athlete | Discipline | Secondary Discipline | World Athletics ID | Gender | Nationality | Date of Birth |
Miltiadis TENTOGLOU | Long Jump | Jumps | 14669734 | M | GRE | 1998-03-18 |
Misgana WAKUMA | 20km Walk | Long Distance (3000m+) | 15038266 | M | ETH | 2004-07-05 |
Mohamed Ali GOUANED | 800m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14844189 | M | ALG | 2002-07-05 |
Mohamed Amin JHINAOUI | 3000m SC | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14735778 | M | TUN | 1997-04-02 |
Mohamed ATTAOUI | 800m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14929058 | M | ESP | 2001-09-26 |
Mohamed Daouda TOLO | Shot Put | Throws | 14902548 | M | KSA | 2001-03-30 |
Mohamed ESA | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 15002406 | M | ETH | 2000-09-11 |
Mohammed AHMED | 10000m | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14330105 | M | CAN | 1991-01-05 |
Morhad AMDOUNI | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14182867 | M | FRA | 1988-01-21 |
Mosinet GEREMEW | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14413325 | M | ETH | 1992-02-12 |
Mulugeta Asefa UMA | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14661608 | M | ETH | 1998-03-12 |
Mutaz Essa BARSHIM | High Jump | Jumps | 14377312 | M | QAT | 1991-06-24 |
Muzala SAMUKONGA | 400m | Sprints (400m or less) | 14930603 | M | ZAM | 2002-12-09 |
Mykhaylo KOKHAN | Hammer | Throws | 14686964 | M | UKR | 2001-01-22 |
Mykolas ALEKNA | Discus | Throws | 14841124 | M | LTU | 2002-09-28 |
Aaron Kemei CHEMININGWA | 800m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14984570 | M | KEN | 1998-06-21 |
Abderezak Suleman | 5000m | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14984272 | M | ERI | 2003-11-20 |
Abderrahman SAMBA | 400m Hurdles | Sprints (400m or less) | 14752208 | M | QAT | 1995-09-05 |
Abdi NAGEEYE | Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14214214 | M | NED | 1989-03-02 |
Abdul Hakim SANI BROWN | 100m | Sprints (400m or less) | 14671546 | M | JPN | 1999-03-06 |
Abel KIPSANG | 1500m | Middle Distance (800m-1500m) | 14909437 | M | KEN | 1996-11-22 |
Abraham KIBIWOT | 3000m SC | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14657344 | M | KEN | 1996-04-06 |
Abrham SIME | 3000m SC | Long Distance (3000m+) | 14852011 | M | ETH | 2001-11-07 |
Ackeem BLAKE | 100m | Sprints (400m or less) | 14638971 | M | JAM | 2002-01-21 |
Addisu Gobena | Half Marathon | Long Distance (3000m+) | 15113613 | M | ETH | 2004-10-20 |
RTP - useful information
Learn more about out-of-competition testing, the process and what to expect and do below.